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GA-EMS tests railgun projectiles

24th June 2015 - 10:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS) has successfully tested railgun projectiles with on-board electronics at the US Army's Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, the company announced on 22 June.

Four tests were conducted consecutively in mid-June which saw the projectiles survive the launch environment and perform their functions. The tests also marked the 100th successful launch from GA-EMS' Blitzer electromagnetic railgun.

According to the company, the test projectiles were launched at accelerations over 30,000 times that of gravity and were exposed to the full electromagnetic environment of the railgun launch. The on-board electronics successfully measured projectile dynamics and in-bore accelerations, and the data link continued to operate after the projectiles hit the ground. 

Nick Bucci, vice president missile defense systems, GA-EMS, said: 'This is a significant milestone in the technology development toward a railgun weapon system and marks the first time flight dynamics data have been successfully measured and down-linked from an aerodynamic projectile fired from our railgun on an open test range.

'GA-EMS' successful testing and on-going investment to advance our scalable railgun and projectile technologies illustrates our commitment to mature this transformational weapon system and provide the warfighter multi-mission advantages across several platforms.'

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