The 126th Infantry Regiment (RI) of the French Army has received 7.62mm FN SCAR-Heavy (SCAR-H) sniper rifles. Pictures of soldiers operating the handguns during training in Caylus camp were released on 23 February.
Shephard Defence Insight notes that the rifle has a foldable buttstock adjustable to six-length and two height positions. Its two barrel options — 13in (33cm) Close Quarter Combat (CQC) or 16in Standard — are interchangeable to suit operational needs.
Dual magazine catches and selector levers and a reversible cocking handle make the rifle ambidextrous. It can also be fitted with an FN40GL 40mm low-velocity grenade launcher. It can be fired in semi-automatic, automatic or semi-automatic modes with a 550-650rpm rate of fire.
The SCAR-H was developed to meet a US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) requirement for a SOF Combat Assault Rifle. It is in USSOCOM service as the MK17 Mod 0 and the SCAR family has been sold to more than 20 countries.