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DSEI 2021: Elbit launches AI-driven ARCAS for dismounted infantry

16th September 2021 - 13:30 GMT | by Samuel Beal in London


The Assault Rifle Combat App System. (Photo: Elbit Systems)

Elbit says it is ‘bringing the age of the computer into the infantry’ with its modular ARCAS.

Elbit Systems officially unveiled its new Assault Rifle Combat App System (ARCAS) for dismounted infantry at DSEI on 14-17 September.

Elbit hopes the ARCAS weapon add-on capability can provide dismounted troops —sometimes characterised as the Cinderella of digitalisation — with the same AI and digital tools hitherto enjoyed by fighter pilots or naval weapons system operators.

ARCAS is a modular system based on an open architecture. Powered by an inbuilt computerised AI system that interfaces with the a rifle’s EO sight and a mounted eyepiece, it provides soldiers with real-time intuitive actionable combat information.

Elbit hopes that ARCAS will transform assault rifles from

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Samuel Beal


Samuel Beal

Samuel Beal is a contributor to Shephard Media and is currently reading for a master’s …

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