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Dstl moves on with development of next-gen assault rifle

17th December 2021 - 12:30 GMT | by Andrew White in Hawaii


FILS is being developed to become the first assault rifle capable of tasking third-party effects such as remote weapon stations and RPAS. (Image: SEA)

Elements of the Future Individual Lethality System could be ready for the British Army by 2026.

The UK Defence Science & Technology Laboratory (Dstl) has revealed details about its Future Individual Lethality System (FILS) following the publication of ‘The Science Inside 2021’ document.

Published on 3 December 2021, the document describes how Dstl is responding to complex and emerging threats to the UK.

Dstl continues to develop the FILS technology demonstrator with industry partners from SEA, Qioptiq and Lantac as the team aims to deliver a ‘next-generation prototype assault rifle with increased range, integrated data and power and a radically improved fused multispectral Surveillance and Target Acquisition system’, according to programme officials.

Speaking to Shephard, Dstl

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Andrew White


Andrew White

Andrew is a former editor of Digital Battlespace and Unmanned Vehicles magazines. Andrew joined Shephard …

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