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DSEi 2023: Saab Barracuda reveals new camouflage system

5th September 2023 - 10:00 GMT | by Damian Kemp in London


Saab Barracuda's new radar-absorbing camouflage will allow communications for soldiers under its cover. (Photo: Saab)

Saab Barracuda has developed a new variant of its Ultra-Lightweight Camouflage Screen (ULCAS) which will allow communications and GPS connectivity for soldiers concealed under its radar-absorbing material Saab is also developing camouflage from organic material to combat hyperspectral sensors.

The company made the announcements in the lead-up to DSEi later this month where it will be displaying its Mobile Camouflage System (MCS) on an Oshkosh Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV).

With ULCAS, the same characteristics that provide protection make the use of GPS and/or VHF communications more difficult for soldiers under the net.

The new camouflage screen uses Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) technology to allow selected frequencies, specifically in the GPS and VHF radio bands, to pass easily either way through the camouflage material, while protecting against the higher frequencies of electromagnetic waves used by radar systems.

Saab Barracuda

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Damian Kemp


Damian Kemp

Damian Kemp has worked in the defence media for 25 years covering military aircraft, defence …

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