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DSEI 2017: BAE demonstrates CV90 with APS

14th September 2017 - 11:18 GMT | by Grant Turnbull, Uldduz Sohrabi in London


BAE Systems has demonstrated its CV90 tracked IFV integrated with an active protection system (APS) at this year’s DSEI, a configuration that will likely be fielded by the Dutch Army.

It was publicly announced last December that BAE Systems would lead APS integration for the Dutch, which the company confirmed once again at a press briefing at DSEI.

Dan Lindell, platform manager of CV90 at BAE Systems, said: ‘The Dutch CV90 will have APS in the near future. We are to commence testing slightly after the new year’.

The technology shown at DSEI is a light configuration of IMI Systems’

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Grant Turnbull


Grant Turnbull

Grant Turnbull was the editor of Land Warfare International and Digital Battlespace magazines with Shephard …

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Uldduz Sohrabi


Uldduz Sohrabi

Uldduz Sohrabi is a freelance reporter for Shephard Media.

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