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DSA 2016: FNSS to assist further AV8 production

19th April 2016 - 03:18 GMT | by Tim Fish in Kuala Lumpur


The production of the AV8 Gempita 8x8 vehicle for the Malaysian Army is expected to ramp up this year following a slow start.

Plans were to build about 56 vehicles in 2016, but spokespeople from both DRB-HICOM Deftech, which is building the vehicles in Malaysia and the original equipment manufacturer FNSS in Turkey stated that the figure for this year is about 65-70 vehicles.

It appears this is to make up for the shortfall in 2015, which saw just 27 vehicles handed over for acceptance by the Malaysian Army, when it was slated to be 40.

These initial 27

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Tim Fish


Tim Fish

Tim Fish is a special correspondent for Shephard Media. Formerly the editor of Land Warfare …

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