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Cubic awarded $40m contract to upgrade UK army range

2nd February 2011 - 16:58 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Cubic Defense Applications (CDA), the defense systems segment of Cubic Corporation, has received a $40 million contract for the expansion and modernization of the instrumentation for the British Army's Salisbury Plain ground combat training range. The contract was awarded to Cubic as part of an urgent operational requirement to enhance troop readiness and predeployment training to support ongoing operations in Afghanistan.

"The British Army is one of our largest long-term and most important customers," said Bradley H. Feldmann, President of Cubic Defense Applications. "We are fully committed to deliver these new capabilities on an accelerated basis to satisfy this urgent requirement."

The award includes Cubic's latest MILES Individual Weapon System (IWS) gear, as well as range communications and after-action review upgrades and enhancements. The new equipment enhances Mission Specific Training (MST) for British troops.

In 2002, Cubic completed installation of the combat training system at the 150-square-mile Salisbury Plain training area, and the following year at the larger British Army Training Unit Suffield in Alberta, Canada. About 30 Cubic employees work at each location.

The Cubic system employs lasers and sensors to simulate force-on-force combat exercises, including the effects of small arms fire, mortars, artillery, improvised explosive devices, air-delivered munitions, and nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. The system uses data links down to the individual entity level to capture events for after action reviews.

Source: Cubic

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