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CST delivered to Royal Netherlands Army

20th November 2012 - 10:03 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Elbit Systems has announced that it has supplied its Command and Staff Trainer (CST) to the Royal Netherlands Army (RNLA). The training and simulation solution enables all levels of staff training with support for joint NATO missions, and facilitates concept development and experimentation (CD&E), and mission rehearsal events.

Elbit Systems said that RNLA operational units will use the system during 2013 for command and staff exercises. The CST system is designed for training battalion, brigade and higher levels, encompassing a wide range of fighting scenarios - both low and high intensity conflicts, as well as other non-military settings, such as operations other than war (OOTW). Furthermore, the CST enables training for civil-military cooperation (CIMIC), such as military forces operating with municipal authorities, police and medical organizations such as the Red Cross.

Situated at operational headquarters, the CST's advanced high level architecture makes it suitable for the specific needs of every trainee and combines full training with qualitative debriefing. The simulation integrates with command, control and communications systems using Battle Management Language (BML) protocols. With the help of a user friendly interface and advanced artificial intelligence, the trainer also enables minimal use of personnel and thus lowers training costs as well.

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