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AUSA Global: US to replace GATOR with smart mines

2nd April 2015 - 17:00 GMT | by Tim Fish in Huntsville


PEO Ammunition has research and development funds allocated to develop a family of scatterable mines over five years of FY2016-2020 to the tune of $340 million 

Speaking at AUSA Global, deputy of PEO Ammunition, BG Patrick Burden said he anticipates this being a CAT 1D programme (a big ticket item) with an Initial Operating Capability in 2025.

‘What we are looking to do is to provide a network smart munition – an Ottowa compliant capability – to replace the deep fast jet capability which is currently Gator,’ he said.

Gator is a fixed wing deployed cluster bomb unit that deploys

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Tim Fish


Tim Fish

Tim Fish is a special correspondent for Shephard Media. Formerly the editor of Land Warfare …

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