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AUSA 2015: Oshkosh offers 6x6 M-ATV

14th October 2015 - 13:00 GMT | by Tim Fish in Washington D.C.


A technology demonstrator 6x6 MRAP All-Terrain Vehicle (M-ATV) from Oshkosh Defense is on display at the AUSA exhibition in Washington.

The company is targeting militaries that want to transport a larger 15-man squad but retain higher levels of protection and mobility compared to standard wheeled or tracked APCs.

John Bryant, senior VP of defence programmes at Oshkosh, told Shephard that the 6x6 variant is configured around the Core1800 crew protection system and is fitted with the TAK-4 suspension.

According to Bryant, there is a market for protected vehicles with off-road mobility but a larger internal volume. He said

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Tim Fish


Tim Fish

Tim Fish is a special correspondent for Shephard Media. Formerly the editor of Land Warfare …

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