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D&S 2019: Asia’s spending on tanks and IFVs grows to $55 billion

20th November 2019 - 04:35 GMT | by ​Matt Smith in London


Countries in the Asia-Pacific region will spend over $55 billion to procure new heavily armoured main battle tanks and IFVs by the end of the 2020s, according to research by Defence Insight.

The five largest spenders on these types of capability are China, India, Australia, Pakistan and South Korea, whose requirements are for vehicles that can engage with peer-level adversaries.

Perhaps unsurprisingly China is expected to invest the largest amount, an estimated $19.6 billion, as it looks to replace thousands of ageing and outdated vehicles with more modern systems such as ZTZ-99 MBT and ZBD-04A IFV. Despite establishing robust

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​Matt Smith


​Matt Smith

Matt Smith is Director of Analysis at Shephard Media. He has over 15 years experience …

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