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Eurosatory 2022: Arquus introduces new Sherpa variant

13th June 2022 - 09:36 GMT | by Flavia Camargos Pereira in Paris


Sherpa A2M is designed to provide very high performance off-road and in a contested environment. (Photo: Arquus)

Sherpa A2M is a mortar platform that features a Thales 120mm rifled mortar barrel and NTGS Mobile Mortar System. At the Eurosatory event, Arquus is also exhibiting a Scarabée reconnaissance vehicle with new features.

The French company Arquus has introduced a new variant to its Sherpa family of vehicles at the Eurosatory 2022 exhibition in Paris held on 13-17 June.

Sherpa A2M is a mortar platform that features a 120mm rifled mortar barrel from Thales and a Mobile Mortar System from New Technologies Global Systems (NTGS) that is accurate out to 13km.

Talking to Shephard, an Arquus spokesperson claimed that Sherpa A2M is ‘an effective solution for an army wishing to acquire artillery, harassment or counter-battery capabilities’.

This new system is designed to offer protected manoeuvrability and combines ‘the high mobility and protection of the Sherpa, guaranteeing

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Flavia Camargos Pereira


Flavia Camargos Pereira

Flavia Camargos Pereira is a North America editor at Shephard Media. She joined the company …

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