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Army 2022: Russia seeks to apply experience from Ukraine war to improve medium armour

18th August 2022 - 13:00 GMT | by Alex Orlov in Helsinki


Russian light and medium armour has under-performed in the ongoing invasion of Ukraine. (Photo: Alex Orlov)

Will Russian manufacturers be able to correct inherent IFV design deficiencies that have been exposed during the ongoing invasion of Ukraine?

Rostec High Precision Systems company Kurganmashzavod (KMZ) used the Army 2022 exhibition near Moscow on 15-21 August to reveal a broad range of production and export plans.

The company wants to enhance its existing and future medium armoured platforms, while it also aims to expand in the export market.

However, the performance of Russian light and medium platforms over the past six months in the ongoing invasion of Ukraine highlighted inherent deficiencies.

According to KMZ executive director Petr Tiukov, the company is now looking to improve protection, situational awareness and ergonomics.

Lessons learned from combat in Ukraine will result

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Alex Orlov


Alex Orlov

Alex Orlov is a freelance journalist based in Helsinki.

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