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Major call for shift towards defence-focused advanced manufacturing practices made at DVD 2024

19th September 2024 - 11:02 GMT | by Tony Fyler in UTAC Millbrook, UK


3D printing in the field. (Photo: UK MoD Crown copyright)

Defence leaders called on the industry to be more proactive in supply chain design, but noted that while the use of modern technological solutions to streamline the supply chain was vital, it could have significant downstream societal consequences.

“We need to move from a supply chain that delivers value for money to one that delivers value for defence.”

That was the message from Major General Phil Prosser, director joint support for UK Strategic Command, speaking at DVD 2024 at UTAC Millbrook. Prosser was advocating “advanced manufacturing” as a way to meet both current defence needs, but as importantly, to meet the defence needs of the military of our short-to-medium-term future.

Advanced manufacturing is a blanket term for using state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies and processes, from 3D printing close to the theatre of use, to lowering the time from prototyping to

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Tony Fyler


Tony Fyler

Tony Fyler is defence reporter at Shephard. He has experience in business and technology …

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