Advanced C-IED sensors at the NATO Kandahar Airfield
The NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency (NC3A) successfully implemented advanced Counter Improvised-Explosive Devices (C-IED) infrastructure on a new Entry Control Point at NATO's Kandahar air base, which will significantly boost the Alliance's ability to supply the base. The installation of the devices was accomplished well ahead of the opening of the control point.
The advanced Counter Improvised-Explosive Devices (C-IED) systems allow for the detection of explosives, weapons and radioactive materials in a stream of vehicles and people crossing one of the busiest Entry Control Points in Afghanistan. The facility employs state of the art technology, including:
• vehicle scanners for Vehicle Borne IED, weapons and radioactive material detection;
• pedestrian screening sensors for potential Suicide Bomber and radioactive material detection;
• arch metal detector for additional pedestrian screening.
The NC3A-delivered system significantly boosts safety at the entry point without compromising the need for rapid and seamless logistics that Kandahar relies on. The vehicle screening sensors will operate in parallel and will deliver the highest throughput of all ISAF Entry Control Points, with hundreds of vehicles screened on a daily basis.
"The quick implementation of the system would not be possible without the joint effort of experts from the NC3A project team, our NC3A Field Office in Kandahar, the Acquisition Support Group, and our contracting partners support. As a result, all the systems are now operational and await the control point opening." - said Dr. Franco Fiore, Principal Scientist at the NATO C3 Agency in charge of the project execution.
The C-IED system is a part of the broad catalogue of expertise and solutions that NC3A - responsible for delivering advanced technology in support of Alliance missions - offers to NATO and its Nations.
As part of this effort in supporting NATO nations in procuring and fielding C-IED C4ISR capability, on Nov 16th, NC3A will host in Brussels the 1st C-IED Workshop on Multinational Cooperation.
Source: NATO C3 Agency
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