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Singapore navy reveals bold plans

30th June 2016 - 11:00 GMT | by Chen Chuanren in Singapore


The Ministry of Defence has revealed major ambitions for the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) in coming years. 

In a Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Day interview on 28 June, Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen revealed the RSN is working towards replacing mine-clearing operations with a fully unmanned fleet, making it one of the first in the world to do so.

‘I would say this is part aspiration, part delivered,’ he said, citing REMUS autonomous underwater vehicles that are already in service. The RSN has also begun trials of the ST Electronics Venus 16 unmanned surface vehicle for mine countermeasures duties.

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Chen Chuanren


Chen Chuanren

Chen Chuanren is Shephard’s Singapore correspondent, covering primarily land and sea systems. He served in …

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