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Japan invests in BMD ships and radar

3rd August 2018 - 04:47 GMT | by Koji Miyake in Tokyo


The new Aegis destroyer Maya (DDG-179) of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) was launched by Japan Marine United on 30 July. Possessing a ballistic missile defence (BMD) capability from the beginning, it is equipped with an AN/SPY-1D radar and the Aegis Baseline 9C2 system.

Maya will enter service in 2020, while a second ship of the class will be launched next year.

This will give the JMSDF a total of eight BMD-capable ships. It already has four Kongo-class and two Atago-class Aegis destroyers.

Able to launch SM-3 Block IIA missiles, the 8,200t destroyer will feature BMD

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Koji Miyake


Koji Miyake

Koji Miyake is a Tokyo-based writer.

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