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DIMDEX 2016: OCEA to deliver OPV this year

31st March 2016 - 13:55 GMT | by Richard Thomas in Doha


French shipbuilders OCEA say they will be in a position to deliver a 60m OPV to a West African country later this year, as the company continues its focus on the export market.

Specialising in aluminium-only hulls, OCEA design and manufacture a range of civil, commercial and military vessels. In the military sector, the company offers platforms ranging from 5m patrol craft, to 84m OPVs, for use in internal/territorial waters and national EEZs.

The company also have a number of otherplatform designs, such as the 40m-long Fast Patrol Boat (FPB) 125 (pictured above), available for manufacture pending a customer request.

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Richard Thomas


Richard Thomas

Richard Thomas is the Senior Editor, Naval at Shephard Media. Richard joined the company in …

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