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BAE Systems outlines reasons for Sea 5000 win

6th July 2018 - 07:46 GMT | by Richard Thomas, Tim Fish in London and Auckland


Australia will now begin the task of preparing to build the Global Combat Ship - Australia (GCS-A), with two main reasons given by BAE Systems for its design being selected as preferred tenderer.

Nigel Stewart, managing director for the Sea 5000 bid at BAE Systems Australia, told Shephard that ‘capability was the single biggest factor’, followed by ‘strong Australian content’. This is because the project is not just about constructing nine frigates, but also building an entire industry.

'Given the importance Australia places on creating capability in naval industry, we sense BAE offered a solution that will help create

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Richard Thomas


Richard Thomas

Richard Thomas is the Senior Editor, Naval at Shephard Media. Richard joined the company in …

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Tim Fish


Tim Fish

Tim Fish is a special correspondent for Shephard Media. Formerly the editor of Land Warfare …

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