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ADECS 2019: Malaysia revamps naval fleet modernisation

22nd January 2019 - 12:00 GMT | by Dzirhan Mahadzir in Kuala Lumpur


Adm Mohamad Reza Mohamad Sany, Chief of the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN), announced a series of priority tasks, including readjustment of the 15-to-5 transformation plan, in a speech on 8 January.

While stating that the 15-to-5 plan must continue, he added that a revision of timeframes was needed by March for phasing in new ships and phasing out existing vessels.

Among those ships originally slated to be phased out were four Lakasamana-class corvettes (pictured above) in 2019-20 and four Mahamiru-class minehunters in 2019-21, but Reza reversed that schedule by declaring an intention to retain both classes.


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Dzirhan Mahadzir


Dzirhan Mahadzir

Dzirhan Mahadzir is a freelance defense journalist and analyst based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, who …

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