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AAD 2018: Vricon brings 3D mapping technology to Africa

19th September 2018 - 17:00 GMT | by Helen Haxell in Tshwane


Vricon’s software data mapping technology, 3D Surface Model, can provide military decision-makers with worldwide coverage irrelevant to terrain environments through automation and commercial satellite technology.

The company is present at AAD 2018 and is looking to cement its footprint into the African region by ‘enlightening’ military personnel on the mapping software capabilities, Tommy Hultin, senior director of BD at Vricon, told Shephard:

‘Vricon is a joint venture between Saab and Digital Globe, [the latter] owns five satellites which takes photos from about 700km altitude with a resolution of about 50cm [now] going down to about 30cm’

The technology enables

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Helen Haxell


Helen Haxell

Helen Haxell was Air Editor at Shephard Media, having joined in February 2016 as Editor …

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