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Viasat, MDA to support Canada’s ASCCM project

22nd March 2019 - 10:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Viasat's KOR-24A small tactical terminal (STT) has been selected to support the Canadian Army's Airspace Coordination Centre Modernization project, the company announced on 18 March.

Viasat received the contract in partnership with MDA from the Canadian Department of National Defence as part of work to modernise computer suite and data link radios.

The STT is a multi-channel, software-upgradable radio capable of performing Link 16 communications in a small form factor. It includes interoperable functionality to improve communications between the US and international military agencies requiring information from multiple networks.

The terminal will improve interoperable network communications by enhancing voice and data capabilities across air, land and sea platforms.

Ken Peterman, president, government systems, Viasat, said: ‘This award once again validates the field-proven interoperability and performance capabilities of Viasat's STT. Viasat and MDA remain committed to delivering today's most comprehensive portfolio of Link 16 tactical data link solutions that meet the size, weight and power requirements needed to support assured communications across a variety of Canadian armed forces platforms.’


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