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Textron releases thin-client iCommand 2.0 suite

21st May 2015 - 13:00 GMT | by The Shephard News Team


Textron Systems Advanced Information Solutions announced the release of the Integrated Command (iCommand) 2.0 suite on 19 May - a new thin-client version of iCommand.

The new version is designed to enhance command and control capabilities for real-time situational understanding and mission-centric collaboration. It provides access to real-time C4ISR information through a web browser, with no requirement for a software installation or custom plugin.

iCommand 2.0 also streams synchronised information from various locations and data sources onto a single 3D multi-touch geospatial display in a single web page. It has new capabilities for managing cloud-based information and delivering it across an enterprise to the edge of a user's operations.

The suite also features collaborative workspaces, enhanced geospatial data management and document management capabilities, and multiple simultaneous viewpoints. It has a modular and scalable design, with a single iCommand node delivering dynamic operational information to 50 concurrent users. A single node can take in up to 50 full motion video feeds and 30,000 sustained individual tracks, with 48-hour retention and recall of all the data.

The suite is designed to allow common operating picture managers to visualise real-time data from remote platforms and various intelligence and operations feeds and data sources. It aims to enable managers to dynamically manage critical aspects of the data, such as name, symbology, attribution, layering and attachments.

iCommand's platform integration services can enable operations centre users to manage and task platforms under the command, using drag-and-drop tasking operations.

Steve Overly, senior vice president and general manager, Textron Systems Advanced Information Solutions, said: 'iCommand 2.0 enhances interactions and collaboration between mission commanders and tactical edge users for greater command and control, operations intelligence data convergence and sensor/platform integration.

'It takes the capabilities of our previous iCommand solution to the next level and expands its application to a wider range of environments. With increased information access, users are able to maintain a tactical advantage like never before.'

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