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Spyglass seeks to enhance short-range drone detection

19th February 2021 - 17:00 GMT | by Shephard News Team

New solid-state radar employs Ku-band phased array technology to detect small UAVs.

Numerica on 18 February launched a new solid-state 3D radar called Spyglass for C-UAS and short-range air defence missions.

The company worked with fellow US-based firms Liteye and NEOTech on development of Spyglass. Liteye will be the exclusive distributor of the radar.

According to Numerica, the simultaneous transmit and receive design of Spyglass offers an advantage over  traditional pulse Doppler radar technology, which can fail to detect close-range threats.

‘Spyglass was born out of our first-hand experience with gaps in the short-range radar market,’ said Nate Knight, VP of air and missile defence at Numerica. ‘The rapidly-growing autonomous drone threat presented an opportunity to turn our attention to building a new radar from the ground up… [by] applying our proven radar processing and tracking technologies in new ways.’

The vehicle-mounted Spyglass employs Ku-band phased array technology for highly precise measurements, with the aim of improving targeting and classification performance at longer ranges and providing critical time for decision making and threat mitigation.

The short-range radar is designed to locate and track small UAS at ranges beyond 3.5km. Advanced signal processing algorithms and autonomy extend the detection range of the 3D radar.

With embedded C2 and AI software, Spyglass is designed to enable broad-area autonomous sensor networks. Software-defined operating modes enable rapid customisation to specific mission requirements.

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