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Space defence assets under growing threat says Lockheed executive

19th September 2024 - 15:55 GMT | by Tereza Pultarova in London


A Falcon 9 rocket carrying a Starlink payload during launch from Kennedy Space Center. (Photo: Joshua Conti/US Space Force)

Chinese innovation and interference means it will only continue to get harder for western nations to defence their space assets.

When it comes to the safety of western defence assets in space, “there is no good news”, according to Justin Keller, director of advanced communications at Lockheed Martin Space.

The problem, Keller noted, “is only getting worse” mostly through China’s focused effort to develop technologies to jam, spoof or otherwise degrade access to satellite services including communications, timing, positioning and navigation for western defence forces.

Keller made those remarks at the Defence in Space conference held in London earlier this month. He said the rising east-Asian space power was “thinking about future jamming technologies” and moving at speed “outthinking in

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Tereza Pultarova


Tereza Pultarova

Tereza Pultarova is a Shephard correspondent based in the UK.

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