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SOA integrates CamoScience for iPhone 4S

18th October 2011 - 10:09 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Special Operations Apps (SOA) has announced the release of CamoScience HD, the retooled application that now integrates the high-definition video of the Apple iPhone 4S for camouflage on demand, executed direct to garment and for next-generation adaptive camouflage, GEOINT Camouflage.

The integration of CamoScience HD comes 96 hours after the first iPhone 4S devices were made available to the public.

Special Operations Apps -- a company affiliated with, but independent of MW Research and Development, Inc., both of which were founded by SOA president K. Dominic Cincotti -- designs and fields applications specifically for warfighter mobile devices, touchscreens, laptops, and smartphones.

CamoScience HD was created as the result of a cluster of successive patent-pending technologies, including Photo-Real, Photo-Stealth, and simultaneous multi-spectral adaptive camouflage processes, introduced by Cincotti in 2007, 2009, and earlier this year. This camouflage was designed initially for unique Special Forces requirements. To develop CamoScience, Cincotti and his team partnered with Dr. Craig Hunter, who, with his brother Todd, founded Hunter Research & Technology. The Hunter brothers are renowned as the minds behind the iPhone 4's Theodolite App, the best-selling, award-winning navigation application.

"The SOA team delivers solutions from a unique perspective," said Todd Hunter. "They have one foot in the SOF world and one foot in the Apps world. What is so unique about SOA is that they seamlessly integrate perspectives of both worlds. They really live their motto, 'Warrior Legacy, Killer Apps.'"

"The SOA team is also fast and easy to work with," Hunter said. "And did I say fast?"

SOA apps are integrating technologies as disparate as Pedestrian Dead Reckoning, Human Geography, and Crowd Sourcing into what Cincotti calls U2-DOP2 -- Unit/User Defined Operational Pictures and Perspectives.

"This is, essentially, a hierarchy of veracity based on point-of-the-spear and 'on point' philosophies," Cincotti said, "which means, for example, the aviator who sees the larger picture of a firefight doesn't have data-veracity precedence over the Operator actually engaged in the firefight. Yet intel from each is important."

"Through more robust geo-tagging and navigational tools, 'eyes on' has precedence that needs to be expressed in algorithms and developed into mobile Apps," said David Mullins, team leader of SOA's subject matter experts and a veteran Operator on four continents.

"This is what we preach and what we do and what we are developing -- with U2-DOP2," said Cathlena Spencer, SOA's chief technology officer.

"Obviously there is an interest in turning COTS -- commercially available off-the-shelf products into GOTS, government off-the-shelf products, for ease in training and dissemination," Spencer said. "We seek to bridge that gap with technologies available in 18-month increments."

"We customize, design, and retool with the Operator in mind," said Mark Tocci, SOA's vice president of business development, a patent-pending inventor and a former Ranger. "After all, as the saying goes: 'Humans are more important than hardware.'"

CamoScience and CamoScience HD are great examples of making relevant Commercially available Off-the-Shelf (COTS) technology customized for immediate military use, Cincotti said. "That's why we're working with Hunter Research & Technology and will continue to work with them," he said. "They are truly ahead of their time."

U2-DOP2 and Pedestrian Dead Reckoning (PDR) will create new systems for integrating and fusing useful data and feeding this mission-critical data directly to Operators, Cincotti said.

"We already know that in today's networked battlescape, every soldier is a sensor," he said, "but what has been created with all this data is a giant haystack. SOA is focused on finding that needle in the haystack -- and that needle is going to look more like a Google-Maps push-pin perspective, like street-view.

"That needle now carries all attached metadata sources," Cincotti said.

Popular Science magazine interviewed Cincotti last month for a forthcoming article. SOA's CamoScience was featured on CNN and NBC news programs in July, in stories that focused on the next-generation camouflage capabilities it affords to military and hunting/outdoor markets and flexing the power of these lightweight smart devices with feature-rich app attributes, including geo-positioning, augmented reality overlays, and Area of Operation imagery.

Special Operations Apps launched in May, with the release of the CamoScience app by MW Research and Development, Inc. CamoScience is a photo application native to the Apple iPad 2/iPhone 4, with its Android counterpart soon to be released.

Source: SOA


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