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Silvus to provide radios for T7 UGV

5th March 2018 - 15:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Harris Corporation has selected Silvus Technologies’ StreamCaster SC4200 radio to support the UK Ministry of Defence’s (MoD) Project STARTER, Silvus announced on 28 February.

The UK MoD has awarded a contract worth over $70 million to Harris to provide the T7 UGV platform, which is designed to support explosive ordnance disposal operations.

Silvus’ StreamCaster SC4200 radio will provide wireless C2 and video operation of the T7 UGV. The rugged construction and robustness of the StreamCaster radio will allow T7 operators to more effectively defeat explosive threats, including improvised explosive devices, from a safe distance.

Kasey Cooper, director of sales, unmanned systems, Silvus Technologies, said: ‘Silvus is thrilled for the opportunity to support Harris Corporation in bringing mission critical technology like this to the UK forces. The pairing of Silvus MN-MIMO Technology with the T7 robot will provide an unprecedented capability to overcome the growing threat IEDs pose to our friendly forces.’


StreamCaster 4200

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