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SELEX Galileo Welcomes Milestone Achievements in NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance Programme

19th October 2009 - 01:01 GMT | by Shephard News Team


As a member of the NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance (AGS) programme industrial team, SELEX Galileo of Finmeccanica welcomes the finalisation of the Programme Memorandum of Understanding by the 15 participating nations.

NATO nations have approved the funding guidelines for the acquisition and production phase of the AGS programme and have also selected the Italian base of Sigonella, in Sicily, as the location for their main operating base.

Northrop Grumman Corporation leads a trans-Atlantic industrial team representing each of the 15 participating nations. SELEX Galileo is, together with EADS, one of the two first tier European Companies leading the development and production of such a vital and unique defence capability.

SELEX Galileo, as the nominated Italian Lead Industry, takes part into this trans-Atlantic programme with a leading role in the Mission Operation and Communications segments, the latter being provided by SELEX Communications, also a Finmeccanica Company. SELEX Galileo is also a key component of the AGS overall system integration team, led by Northrop Grumman, and is responsible for establishing direct cooperation activities with Rumanian and Bulgarian industries, two key members of the AGS programme 15 participating nations.

“This awaited event is a key milestone for the programme and for us too. SELEX Galileo will continueto be fully committed in providing its distinguished contribution to NATO AGS and in cooperating alongside Northrop Grumman to develop this vital operational capability, in line with the Company’s leading excellence in the ISR – Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance – domain” said Fabrizio Giulianini, Deputy CEO of SELEX Galileo.

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