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RDAF orders Litening targeting pods

15th March 2017 - 15:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Northrop Grumman will supply Litening advanced targeting pods for the Royal Danish Air Force's (RDAF's) F-16 aircraft as part of a contract announced on 14 March.

The RDAF will roll-out the fourth generation Litening pod to addition aircraft in its F-16 fleet with this order, giving pilots the ability to detect, identify and track targets at extremely long ranges.

Technologies of the fourth-gen system include digital, high definition video, 1K forward-looking infrared and charge-coupled device sensors, laser imaging sensors and advanced data links. Together these technologies deliver more accurate target identification and location at longer ranges than previous targeting pod systems, while also reducing pilot workload.

Robert Fleming, vice president, programmes, Northrop Grumman, said: 'As a key member of NATO, Denmark supports a wide range of missions. Litening gives the RDAF powerful capabilities to carry out these missions, whether they call for targeting or intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance,'

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