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Farnborough 2022: Raytheon UK ‘optimistic’ about Shadow life extension beyond 2030

20th July 2022 - 14:30 GMT | by Tim Martin in Farnborough


The RAF's Shadow fleet is being upgraded. (Photo: UK MoD)

Raytheon UK wants to see the RAF's Shadow special mission aircraft fly beyond 2030.

Having been awarded an upgrade contract for RAF Shadow R1 special mission aircraft and production of an additional two platforms in Q4 2021, Raytheon UK is hopeful that the MoD will see fit to extend the life of the eight-strong fleet beyond its 2030 end-of-service date.

The upgraded R2 aircraft are to benefit from integration of Leonardo’s Miysis Directed-Infrared Countermeasure (DIRCM) Defensive Aids System (DAS), with a first delivery to take place in June 2023 and all others expected before the end of 2025.

From a capability perspective, Miysis features a twin-head laser pointer/tracker and can detect IR-guided missiles, supported by

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Tim Martin


Tim Martin

Tim Martin is Air Editor for Shephard Media, based in Belfast. 

Tim has experience writing …

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