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Protected SATCOM grows in importance

1st June 2021 - 17:00 GMT | by Andrew White in London


A holistic protected SATCOM solution embraces ground infrastructure as well as satellites in space. (Photo: Viasat)

An array of solutions are available — in space and on the ground — to ensure military SATCOM remains secure in the face of soft and hard threats.

In the age of Great Power Competition, armed forces around the world must rely upon maximum levels of connectivity, particularly in contested operating environments.

Tasked with the conduct of missions in the face of near-peer adversaries, capable of intercepting and disrupting voice and data traffic, commanders are turning to protected SATCOM solutions to ensure mission effectiveness.

Technologies available include protected waveforms plus tracking, telemetry and control (TT&C) systems, as well as diverse space-based and ground-based infrastructure. When combined, these elements can assure communications in the face of soft and hard threats including anti-satellite missiles and cyber intrusion.

Companies offering such solutions

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Andrew White


Andrew White

Andrew is a former editor of Digital Battlespace and Unmanned Vehicles magazines. Andrew joined Shephard …

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