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Leonardo looks ahead to Grifo-E qualification

19th May 2021 - 14:40 GMT | by Tim Martin in London


Leonardo's Grifo-E is set for qualification before the end of 2021 (Photo: Leonardo)

Forthcoming qualification of Leonardo's Grifo-E fire control radar could lead to a spike in demand from customers as the manufacturer looks to the light fighter jet and retrofit markets for sales.

Leonardo has revealed it expects to complete qualification of its Grifo-E multimode airborne fire control radar by the end of Q4 2021.

The X-band, gallium nitride (GaN) electronically scanned array system was originally launched in July 2018 and developed from the Leonardo mechanically scanned Grifo family.

‘We are very close to qualification….and before Christmas we will start to collect results from the [qualification] flight test,’ said Grimoaldo Pellegrini, AIS LoB sales manager products support at Leonardo, during a 19 May virtual media briefing.

He did not disclose which aircraft will be used for the flight test but confirmed the flight itself will occur

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Tim Martin


Tim Martin

Tim Martin is Air Editor for Shephard Media, based in Belfast. 

Tim has experience writing …

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