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Harris Corporation's Weapon Data Link for Small Diameter Bomb Increment

14th January 2010 - 14:00 GMT | by Shephard News Team


An advanced data link developed by Harris Corporation and ViaSat for Boeing's proposed Small Diameter Bomb Increment II (SDB II) program has completed risk-reduction tests, receiving Type 1 certification from the National Security Agency. Successful completion of risk reduction means the aircraft-launched munition is now ready for the Engineering Manufacture and Development (EMD) phase of the program.

The SDB II Weapon Data Link (WDL) will connect the munitions to tactical networks, allowing operators to engage moving targets on the ground even after a munition is launched. Harris successfully demonstrated the system using Link-16 and Combat Net Radio UHF transmissions as part of the SDB II risk reduction program, which was completed in October. In both Link-16 and UHF modes, the munition's messaging protocol - a critical requirement for network-enabled weapons - was demonstrated successfully.

"SDB II provides the warfighter with the ability to attack mobile targets from stand-off distances in adverse weather conditions," said Dan Jaspering, director of Direct Attack Weapons for Boeing Weapons Programs. "NSA certification and the Link 16 and UHF Over the Air (OTA) demonstrations retire three key remaining risk items on the program and help pave the way for the transition to EMD."

The Harris Small Secure Network Terminal (SSNT), a network-enabled radio using a software communications architecture, received National Security Agency (NSA) Type 1 certification. Type 1 certification means the Weapon Data Link is able to communicate secret-level classified information. The Harris Sierra II(tm) encryption technology provides the foundation for this level of information security.

"Type 1 certification was completed prior to the EMD phase of the program to mitigate any remaining risk," said Wes Covell, president of Harris Defense Programs. "Type-1 certification ensures our warfighters will have the highest levels of information security for the network-enabled munitions they'll rely on in the future."

Harris and teammate ViaSat will provide the dual waveform data link to Boeing for the joint US Air Force and Navy SDB II program.

Source: Harris Corporation

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