Harris has announced the introduction of the Falcon III AN/PRC-152A, according to a company statement issued 8 November 2011.
According to Harris, the system is the first and only NSA Type-1 certified handheld radio to put the power of wideband tactical networking—including the capability to send and receive voice, video, images and data—in the hands of the dismounted warfighter.
The AN/PRC-152A is fully interoperable with deployed US Department of Defence (DOD) radios, enabling the US military to extend tactical networking across the entire battlefield, and offering warfighters a broader set of capabilities in a handheld radio. Harris claims that in addition to wideband networking, initially provided by the Harris Adaptive Networking Wideband Waveform (ANW2), the AN/PRC-152A operates SINCGARS, VHF/UHF Line-of-Sight (VULOS), HaveQuick, IW for tactical satellite communications and other combat net radio waveforms.
Harris is now in the process of adding the JTRS Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW) to the radio, in accordance with investments under the JTRS Enterprise Business Model. SRW is a ‘key building block in the DOD’s plans for a fully networked force.
Dana Mehnert, group president, Harris RF Communications commented on the system, saying, ‘the introduction of the AN/PRC-152A revolutionizes the effectiveness of the dismounted combat soldier. This new radio extends the tactical network to the edge, allowing for reliable connectivity across all levels and delivering vital command and control, situational awareness and critical ISR information. With the introduction of the AN/PRC-152A, the Harris Falcon III family of vehicular, manpack and handheld radios now addresses networking requirements from brigade and battalion levels down to the squad.’