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Harris Corporation introduces modular, flexible FalconFighter for future soldier system programs

15th June 2010 - 20:47 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Harris Corporation, an international communications and information technology company, today introduced FalconFighter, a new modular soldier system that integrates a variety of advanced technologies into a single wearable uniform.

Harris FalconFighter links C4 devices, sensors, networking components and power modules into a centralized wearable platform controlled by the individual soldier. FalconFighter is uniquely designed to accommodate products with open standards and interfaces -- making it easier for the system to adapt to incorporate changing mission requirements and integrate new emerging technologies.

"Harris created FalconFighter understanding that battlefield technology is dynamic and constantly evolving," said Paul Zweers, director of international product line management, Harris RF Communications. "Our new system is future-focused so modules and parts can be exchanged and upgraded over time to meet new requirements. This eliminates the need for long lead-time soldier system programs seen in recent years."

The core of the system is the Harris RF-7800S Leader Radio, the only personal soldier radio with a built-in computer. The Harris RF-7800S Leader Radio combines a lightweight tactical radio with a personal digital assistant to provide field commanders with advanced situational awareness and battle management tools.

Harris provides its own power management, personal area networking, sensor systems and other accessories, and will integrate devices from other original manufacturers in a way that emphasizes functionality while limiting size and weight burdens.

"Our focus is on improving effectiveness for the individual soldier," Zweers said. "FalconFighter is a powerful, adaptable, affordable system that speeds the integration of new developments in soldier technology."

Source: Harris Corp


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