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Euronaval 2016: Kelvin Hughes sees French potential

26th October 2016 - 11:50 GMT | by Richard Thomas in London


Eager to explore the potential in the French domestic and export markets, UK-based Kelvin Hughes attended Euronaval to make its case for the SharpEye radar.

So far in 2016 the company has won major contracts to supply the system in the UK and foreign markets. In March Kelvin Hughes was selected to supply SharpEye radars to a range of UK Royal Navy (RN) and Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) ships, submarines and shore facilities.

The £44 million ($53.7 million) deal, in association with Lockheed Martin Integrated Systems UK, will see the radars fitted to RN’s Type 23 frigates (pictured), Hunt and

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Richard Thomas


Richard Thomas

Richard Thomas is the Senior Editor, Naval at Shephard Media. Richard joined the company in …

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