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Eurosatory: Estonian CV90s to get Elite hearing protection

13th June 2016 - 09:52 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Esterline's Racal Acoustics RA7000 Elite Hearing Protection System has recently been selected as the hearing protection and communication for the Estonian Army's new CV90 tracked vehicle, it announced on 9 June.

Estonian Signals corps officials have been integrating the system into the Estonian tactical network to allow the troops to communicate over three separate networks as well as the vehicle intercom.

Developed for emergency services, security, police and defence sectors, the Elite Hearing Protection System provides up to 36dB of attenuation and combines secure communications, advanced local area sound awareness and state-of-the-art hearing protection, into one unit.

The CV90 armoured combat vehicle was developed by Saab Bofors and BAE Systems Land Systems Hägglunds, which currently produces the entire vehicle. It has an all-welded steel hull upgradable with add-on armour that protects against 30mm armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot rounds. It also has a fire detection/extinguishing system as well as nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) protection. The vehicle can carry a commander, driver and gunner, and up to eight soldiers.

CV9035NL [Estonia]


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