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EMIRAJE Systems wins contract from the GHQ of the UAE Armed Forces

28th February 2011 - 20:34 GMT | by Shephard News Team


EMIRAJE Systems LLC has been awarded by the GHQ of the UAE Armed Forces the contract for the United Arab Emirates Command and Control System (ECCS), for a value of 550 millions USD for the first phase.

ECCS is a major Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) Program, which will federate, integrate, coordinate and maximize the combined efficiency of the UAE Armed Forces assets.

As prime contractor of ECCS, EMIRAJE Systems LLC carries out in Abu Dhabi all system design and system integration activities, as well as the development of critical components. EMIRAJE also drives the solid industrial organization it has built, based on worldwide defence suppliers and subcontractors from Spain, France, UK, Canada, UAE and Switzerland.

ECCS also represents a new model of industrial cooperation. EMIRAJE Systems LLC has been established in 2009 as a strategic Joint Venture between C4 Advanced Solutions (C4AS), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Emirates Advanced Investments group (EAI), and Cassidian (the former EADS Defence & Security).

EMIRAJE Systems opens a long term partnership between the two groups EAI/C4AS and Cassidian, and specifically aims at building an efficient and lasting advanced industrial capability within the UAE, offering recognized experience and expertise in the field of Large Systems Integration (LSI) and of Defence and Governmental C4ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) systems. EMIRAJE builds this UAE industrial capability through :

· extensive transfer of expertise, knowledge and technology, foremost from its strategic partner Cassidian but also from its key subcontractors world-wide ;

· a strong emiratization policy, attracting and building on the finest UAE talents, from software engineering to program management, through all the competencies required for large systems development and integration.

A UAE company, backed by a strong European technological partner, EMIRAJE Systems has all the assets to deliver to the UAE Armed Forces the strategic ECCS Program, which is a key asset for the protection of the United Arab Emirates.

"EMIRAJE Systems has the experience and expertise to deliver such a sophisticated system, based on modern warfare concepts and battle-proven information technology", states Staff Brigadier Pilot Faris Khalaf Al Mazrouei, Head of the ECCS Project Committee, "and we are proud to protect the future security of the UAE citizens, not only through the ECCS Program, but beyond that through establishing a solid and recognized Defence integrator company in the UAE."

Source: Cassidian

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