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CMD3D enters French service

16th July 2012 - 13:37 GMT | by Shephard News Team


ThalesRaytheonSystems (TRS) has announced that its CMD3D (air defense management centre in 3D) system has entered service with the French forces.

The system provides France with a Ground Based Air Defense Operations Center (GBADOC) capability, and is designed to protect land forces and airbases from air-launched threats.

‘The CMD3D air defense management centre will form an integral part of the protective shield deployed during France’s Bastille Day celebrations on July 14,’ a TRS statement released on 16 July said.

‘Integrated with an air defense system, such as the SCCOA [Système de Commandement et de Conduite des Opérations Aériennes] air command and control system in France, the CMD3D enables the effective command and coordination of air defense assets and contributes to the safety and security of aircraft within its zone of responsibility.’

TRS said the system allows close coordination of all assets in the airspace, including manned aircraft, UAVs, shells, missiles and rockets, and key features include high mobility and extended communication capabilities.

The new version (V2Ca) of the system makes the CMD3D a ‘common tool’ used by both the army and the air force.

‘The first national and international exercises with the CMD3D system have confirmed its high level of interoperability for deployments on national territory and in remote theatres as part of wider coalition operations,’ the statement continued.

‘During the Nawas exercise in March, the CMD3D successfully demonstrated its ability to coordinate short, medium and long-range surface-to-air defense systems (SAMP/T, HAWK, Crotale NG and Mistral).’

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