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Cambridge Pixel introduces ASD-100 display

2nd February 2015 - 09:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Cambridge Pixel has introduced the ASD-100 Air Situation Display target tracking software, the company announced on 29 January. The system is aimed at the military air defence systems market.

The new ASD-100 Air Situation Display provides an operator with a complete and integrated picture of everything in the skies, military or commercial air traffic, friend or foe. The display incorporates primary and secondary IFF radar, underlay maps, and target tracks, of which any combination of primary, IFF and fused tracks may be shown.

The application allows alarm areas and alarm conditions to be defined to permit early detection of dangers or events of interest, and flights plans may be viewed for specific targets.

Dr David Johnson, CEO, Cambridge Pixel, said: ‘Our new Air Situation Display and comprehensive target tracking products give systems integrators the flexibility for a phased upgrade of their surveillance systems. Our approach provides a cost-effective solution for those looking to upgrade legacy air defence processing and display hardware yet preserve existing primary radar and IFF sensors.’

The company has also extended its range of open, flexible software ‘modules of expertise’ to include IFF decoding, target tracking and sensor fusion. The SPx Server plot extraction software is now able to decode IFF video to provide IFF ID and altitude for display and use by the SPx target tracker and SPx fusion modules.

In addition, IFF video can now be captured using Cambridge Pixel’s HPx-200 radar input card, and defruited, degarbled and decoded to extract the different IFF interrogation modes and then used for display, target tracking and track fusion. IFF radar video can also be scan converted to create a picture of the IFF barcode and overlaid with the decoded IFF data and track location on the operator’s display.

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