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Boeing wins NATO AWACS upgrade work

6th August 2014 - 13:09 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Boeing will install digital flight decks and avionics on 13 NATO Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft under a $250 million contract announced on 6 August.

The upgraded systems will ensure the fleet complies with current and future air traffic control and navigation requirements, giving the aircraft broader access to airspace around the world.

The new equipment will also allow the flight deck crew to be reduced from four to three; and will solve obsolescence issues by utilising readily available commercial-off-the-shelf digital avionics.

Jon Hunsberger, AWACS program manager, Boeing, said: ‘Increasing airspace access means greater mission efficiency by saving time and fuel during operations. The improvements also provide the pilot and co-pilot user-friendly and customisable engine, navigation and radar data.’

The contract follows an Engineering Manufacturing and Development (EMD) contract that saw Boeing install a new digital flight deck and avionics on one NATO AWACS. Following flight tests this aircraft will be re-delivered in December 2015.

Modifications on the 13 aircraft under this latest contract will begin in 2016 and are scheduled for completion by 2018.

As part of the EMD contract, Boeing also will upgrade the flight deck and avionics of a US AWACS aircraft beginning in November.


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