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Australia issues tender for High Power Array Radar development

21st May 2013 - 14:27 GMT | by Joyce de Thouars in London


The Australian Department of Defence released a Request for Tender to CEA Technologies on 17 May for the development of a High Power Phased Array Radar concept demonstrator.

According to Minister for Defence Materiel, Mike Kelly, the initial investment will amount to A$4 million.

The CEAFAR radar will serve as the basis for further development of phased array radar technology to be fitted to future platforms such as the Royal Australian Navy’s Future Frigates project SEA 5000. The SEA 5000 project, which will be developed beyond 2019, involves the introduction of next generation naval surface combatants to replace ANZAC-class frigates. 

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Joyce de Thouars


Joyce de Thouars

Joyce holds a MA degree in Middle Eastern Studies from King’s College London. Before she …

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