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AUSA 2014: Textron delivering -50 upgraded OSRVT units

16th October 2014 - 16:22 GMT | by Tim Fish in Washington DC


Textron has commenced deliveries of the -50 One System Remote Video Terminals (OSRVT) to the US military.

The company announced at the AUSA Annual exhibition in Washington DC that it began delivering the units in September and that a total of 3,100 would be delivered by mid-2016.

Textron has been delivering OSRVT to the US since 2011 under a programme of record, but with the new terminals the company is now providing a bi-directional capability that allows the user to gain control of a video unit on board of an operational UAS.

Wayne Prender, VP of Ground Control Technologies at

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Tim Fish


Tim Fish

Tim Fish is a special correspondent for Shephard Media. Formerly the editor of Land Warfare …

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