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AOC 2018: Harris ready for ‘software defined’ EW era

21st November 2018 - 12:00 GMT | by Tim Martin in London


Electronic systems manufacturer Harris Corporation is set on embedding more powerful software to its existing technology portfolio in order to counter emerging airborne threats.

The company is preparing to publicise a number of its key US military programmes at AOC, including its work as lead EW protection system contractor on the F-18 fighter jet for the US Navy, according to Vince Baglio, domestic business development director at Harris.

It will also use the occasion to ‘highlight’ capabilities found on the Suite Of Integrated Radio Frequency Countermeasures (SIRFC) AN/ALQ-211 system, used on aircraft flown by US Special Forces, whilst also

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Tim Martin


Tim Martin

Tim Martin is Air Editor for Shephard Media, based in Belfast. 

Tim has experience writing …

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