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Advanced C-RAM radar successfully tested

13th February 2013 - 15:23 GMT | by Shephard News Team


RADA Electronic Industries has announced that it has conducted testing of its advanced Multi-Mission Hemispheric Radar (MHR) with the RPS-40 Counter-Artillery, Rockets and Mortars (C-RAM) mission. The testing was observed by representatives from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the defense industry and has been deemed successful by the company.

The RPS-40 mission provides tactical accuracies of the Point of Origin (POO) and the Point of Impact (POI). The testing saw multiple mortars and rockets fired within the radar's area of coverage. The system detected the threats at a very early stage and provided exceptionally long alert times, while demonstrating no false alarms.

The RPS-40 detects, tracks, classifies and locates direct and elevated threats fired at stationary or mobile forces; threats include rockets, artillery, mortars, ATGMs, RPGs, and more. The system can be integrated with any protection and/or C4I system and can be installed at stationary bases and posts, or onboard fighting vehicles.

Zvi Alon, RADA's chief executive officer, said: ‘We are very pleased with the results of the tests, which have proved the advanced capabilities and the technological maturity of our radars. Our next goal is to establish the serial production line by mid-2013. In the coming months we will conduct further tests on additional operational missions, and estimate that by the end of the year our radars will be installed and in use by select customers.’

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