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Zhuhai 2016: Mysterious J-20 sneaks in…and out

1st November 2016 - 13:08 GMT | by Gordon Arthur in Zhuhai


China’s fifth-generation J-20 stealth fighter made a cameo appearance during the 11th Zhuhai Air Show in China, this being its first public foray anywhere in China.

However, the brief apparition of two J-20s was limited to a disappointing couple of overhead passes lasting about 30 seconds during the opening ceremony, before they subsequently disappeared into the haze.

All in all, the J-20 indeed proved very stealthy. However, this was not due to any secret technological factors, but rather the enigmatic way that China customarily treats its latest military equipment.

Based on Shephard’s abbreviated observation of China’s new fighter, the J-20

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Gordon Arthur


Gordon Arthur

Gordon Arthur was the Asia Pacific editor for Shephard Media. Born in Scotland and educated …

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