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Zhuhai 2016: China unveils anti-ship missiles

3rd November 2016 - 08:05 GMT | by Wendell Minnick in Zhuhai


Navies will find patrolling the world’s sealanes far more dangerous with new anti-ship missiles (ASM) now available for export by Chinese manufacturers, as witnessed at the 11th Zhuhai Air Show held from 1-6 November. 

China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASC) is offering the submarine-launched CM-708UNB Sea Eagle ASM. It provides not just People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) submarines, but now foreign buyers, with a stealthy capability to strike naval vessels and inshore targets within a 290km range. 

The Sea Eagle has a launch depth of 60m within a 528mm launch tube. 

CASC is also offering the supersonic CM-302 anti-ship

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Wendell Minnick


Wendell Minnick

Wendell Minnick (顏文德) was Shephard's Senior Asia Correspondent throughout 2017 and 2018. Wendell is an …

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