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Russia is evading sanctions and purchasing US components for its arsenal, warns US Senate

13th September 2024 - 16:53 GMT | by Flavia Camargos Pereira in Kansas City


US electronics were found in Russian Kh-101 cruise missiles. (Photo: Russian MoD)

Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal has claimed that Russian bombs, missiles and drones “supported by American technologies” have been fatally used on Ukrainians soldiers and civilians.

A report issued by the US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations has stated that most of the foreign components found in Russian weapons systems used in Ukraine were manufactured by US companies.

Moscow has been able to acquire thousands of US-made electronics despite sanctions and export control measures imposed by Washington the report, released on 10 September, claimed. 

Speaking during a hearing of the Subcommittee on the same day the report was launched, Democratic Senator (Connecticut) Richard Blumenthal claimed: “Russian bombs, missiles and drones supported by American technologies are literally killing Ukrainians. [And] not just Ukrainian soldiers, but civilians, women [and] children, in

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Flavia Camargos Pereira


Flavia Camargos Pereira

Flavia Camargos Pereira is a North America editor at Shephard Media. She joined the company …

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