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US Senate plans to booster FY2025 acquisitions with an extra $10 billion despite budget cuts to major programmes

7th August 2024 - 16:20 GMT | by Flavia Camargos Pereira in Kansas City


Senators allocated $3.4 billion above the budget request to construct naval capabilities including the Columbia-class submarine. (Photo: US Navy)

While lawmakers intend to provide additional resources for procurement for all US branches, they have reduced the budget for main programmes such as F-35, MQ-25, PIM and AMPV.

The US Senate Committee on Appropriations unanimously approved last week a version of the FY2025 National Defence Appropriations Act (NDAA) that would provide nearly US$10 billion above the Pentagon’s budget request for procurement and modernisation efforts across all US services.

“This bipartisan bill builds on our efforts in the National Security Supplemental to strengthen our defences in key regions, deter conflict, promote stability and ultimately keep our nation safe with new investments to ensure our military remains the best in the world,” Democratic senator Patty Murray (Washington), chair of the committee, claimed.

The additional resources included an extra $3.4 billion for

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Flavia Camargos Pereira


Flavia Camargos Pereira

Flavia Camargos Pereira is a North America editor at Shephard Media. She joined the company …

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